Guy McPherson

Through no fault of anyone’s, the audio did not turn out well on the Guy session.  He was justly tired after Europe, so it was probably providential, and as good as I wanted to be and prepared accordingly, I cannot escape the feeling that a better time will come for us all.  He not only got sick, but this also got me that much more ready to be engaged with Andrew, which went really, really well.

Guy added me to his Climate-Change Summary and Update which while he had started this closer to two years ago than one, manages to still revise and add to.  Little did I know that my name was added next to the likes of Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Robert Scribbler, Tom Hartmann, and Paul Ehrlich.  I humbly do not feel in this league, but the message has given me a place to speak from, which I would not otherwise.  Thank you for the inclusion Dr. McPherson!  Ego biscuits–not needed.  Extra money–not needed.  But further voice for the earth–check.  Yes.


About jenniferhynes99

As a highly trained engineer in technology with an emphasis on large data migration and a deep and abiding interested in spirituality [Buddhism], and having traveled the world, Jennifer brings her broad understanding to rapid climate change and sustainability and spirit. She is deeply concerned and cares deeply for our planet. While not a formally trained climatologist, her Arctic Methane Monster video went gone viral in the last year. As a senior person with plenty of responsibility at a Fortune 100 Corporation, she vowed not to seek to promote her video and yet surely it happened.
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